Dedicated team for rb2

BY Tunga · 6 MIN READ

The Client: rb2

rb2 runs complex software development projects.  Their client base is formed by large corporations and mature SMEs and scale-ups. They combine offshore dedicated development teams with experienced local delivery professionals (tech leas and scrum masters) in the Netherlands. Their teams often operated (partly) from the client’s office.

The Challenge for rb2

They were already active in China and Portugal. But rb2 wanted to further diversify their developer pool into other countries. They were enthusiastic about Africa. Most importantly, because there is still a lot of talent available. But it is also roughly in the same timezone as The Netherlands. And in many countries English is the official language. So they chose to work with Tunga as a local partner to ensure quality and continuity.

The rb2 team in Lagos, Nigeria

The Solution

After that, Tunga has set up a fully operational team for rb2 in Lagos, Nigeria. This includes a fully equipped joint office space from which the team works together. The team startet out with 3 full-time developers. Meanwhile, the team has now grown to 5 full-timers. The primary technologies used are .NET for the back-end and AngularJS for the front-end. In addition the team also includes a QA specialist and a Magento developer.

The Lagos team has been fully integrated in the rb2 organization. For instance, they have the same working hours. Further, they do daily standups together with their Dutch colleagues via video connection. And together they basically form one unit whose member happen to live in other countries.

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