Remote teams, scrum and IT staffing: Tunga COO Reinier shares some – perhaps unexpected – insights.
Remote teams, scrum and IT staffing: Tunga COO Reinier shares some – perhaps unexpected – insights.
One year ago, I moved to Uganda. It has been the year in which I have learned the most. Let me try here to share the lessons of working with remote software developers from Africa.
There are some things you think you know, but come to find out you didn’t really know until you’ve experienced them. One of these thing to me was the insane traffic in Lagos.
Our company culture is heavily inspired by football legend Johan Cruyff. So often we ask one simple question: what if we were Ajax?
At Tunga we encounter examples of cultural relativism everyday. Here are three things that we have found to work over the years.
User research: how can you get the assurance that you are looking for, but maintain the flexibility needed for software development to actually work.
Tunga has been working on the development of the Niluk app since the beginning of this year. Niluk is a mobile app to combat loneliness. Elena Köstler, the founder of Niluk, explains.
“When you’re working with more than 300 developers across Africa, you spent a lot of time onboarding remote software engineers on different projects and for different clients.”
“I thought this was the major downside of outsourcing; that you need face to face contact to truly understand each other. Guess I was wrong.” Insights by Tunga COO Reinier.