Before Google Playstore and iOS App Store ever became a thing, there was the Nokia Ovi store, the playground of Abdu Ssekalala in 2011 in Uganda.
Before Google Playstore and iOS App Store ever became a thing, there was the Nokia Ovi store, the playground of Abdu Ssekalala in 2011 in Uganda.
If you had…one shot…one opportunity…and 35 hours to build a project to improve the services offered by Community Health Entrepreneurs (CHEs) across rural communities, would you capture it or just let it slip?
On the left side of my Zoom screen, a bespectacled Mark Akampurira – a full-stack software developer of four years – sits against the backdrop of white walls. He first smiles brightly and then laughs. “Do you mean working for Tunga or in general,” the 26-year-old replies, sounding amused as he leans forward in his seat. “Both,” I reply, and again he laughs.
Indeed, the legends are true. Somewhere in this vast cosmos, “that someone” resides. All we know is that they are perfection in themselves in software development. Yes, they are everything you only wish to be as a software developer in your wildest dream.